Combat (1977) Cheats For Atari 2600

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Combat for the Atari 2600 is one of the most beloved games of all time. Developed in 1977, this two-player tank battle game was one of the earliest titles released for the Atari 2600 console. The goal of Combat is to use your atari tank to shoot down your opponent's atari tanks while avoiding being shot yourself. In order to be successful in Combat, it pays to know some cheats that can give you an advantage over your opponents.
atari tank
atari tanks

The most well-known cheat is known as the ‘A/B Switch’ trick. To use this, both players need to press the ‘Select’ and ‘Reset’ buttons on their controllers simultaneously. This will cause the game to switch from Player A to Player B, allowing the player to control both atari tanks. This trick gives the player a huge advantage, as they can now easily shoot down their opponent’s atari tank.

Another cheat is the ‘Double Firepower’ hack. This allows the player to double the firepower of their atari tank by rapidly pressing the ‘Fire’ button. This can give them a significant edge in combat, as their shots will be twice as powerful, allowing them to take out their opponent’s atari tanks faster and more effectively.
atari tank game

There are also several ways to get extra lives in the atari tank game. First, players can pause the game and then press the ‘Select’ and ‘Reset’ buttons simultaneously. This will give the player an additional life. Another option is to press the left difficulty switch and then press the ‘Select’ and ‘Reset’ buttons at the same time. This will also give the player an extra life.

Finally, players can also use the ‘Backwards Wrap Around’ cheat. This involves quickly pressing the joystick in the opposite direction of where the atari tank is heading. Doing this will allow the atari tank to wrap around the screen and appear on the other side. This can be a great way to surprise your opponents and catch them off guard.

Overall, there are plenty of cheats available for Combat on the Atari 2600. Knowing these cheats can give players an edge in the atari tank game and help them defeat their opponents. So if you’re looking for a way to get an advantage in Combat, make sure to use these cheats to your advantage.

Last updated: 2023-08-07

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Combat (1977) Cheats For Atari 2600
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