Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) Cheats For PlayStation

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Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire is a classic action-adventure game for the PlayStation that was released in 2001. In the game, you are tasked with finding and deciphering Atlantean symbols to unlock the many secrets of the lost city of Atlantis. To assist you in your quest, here are some useful cheats and tips to help you along the way.
atlantean symbols

The first step to deciphering the Atlantean symbols is to locate the scattered tablets throughout each level. Once collected, these tablets will grant you access to secret rooms and hidden bonus items. Some of the items you can find inside include health pickups, power-ups, and even exclusive bonus levels.

Furthermore, using special Atlantean symbols called "Primers," you can also open up additional doors and find more bonus items. Primers are found in select locations throughout the game and must be activated with a combination of buttons on the controller.

If you're having trouble finding a particular Primer, use one of the cheat codes to reveal its location. Just make sure you enter the code correctly! With the right combination of codes, you can unlock the powerful Ora Armor and other powerful weapons.

To gain an edge in combat, use the Atlantean symbols to summon allies from the ancient city. These summoned creatures can provide invaluable assistance in battle, allowing you to take down enemies quickly and efficiently.

Finally, use the Atlantean symbols to break through walls and find new areas. You'll need to solve puzzles to unlock the symbols and gain access to new areas. Some of these puzzles require you to collect certain items, while others require you to use your wits and logic to progress.

By using the Atlantean symbols scattered throughout the game, you can unlock powerful weapons and items, discover secret areas, and call upon powerful allies to help you in battle. With these cheats, tricks, and tips, you should have no problem completing Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire for the PlayStation.

Last updated: 2023-08-07

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Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) Cheats For PlayStation
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