Command HQ Cheats

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Command HQ is a classic turn-based strategy game from the early days of PC gaming. It's an intense and challenging game that requires players to employ sophisticated tactics in order to win. It's also one of the few games where cheats are allowed, making it even more exciting for gamers looking to get the most out of the experience. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most popular Command HQ cheats and how they can be used to give you an edge.
command hq game

The first Command HQ cheat is the “instant win” code. This allows you to instantly win any mission no matter what your current situation is. This is particularly useful if you're stuck on a particularly difficult mission or just don't have time to complete it. All you have to do is enter the code at the start of the mission and you'll instantly be victorious.

Another popular Command HQ cheat is the “all resources” code. This code gives you access to all of the resources in the game, such as money, units, and buildings. It's great for those who want to quickly build up their army without having to go through the tedious process of gathering resources. Just enter the code and you're ready to go!

The “no enemy” code is another handy Command HQ cheat. This code causes all enemies on the map to disappear, allowing you to easily make your way to your objectives without having to worry about being attacked. This is especially useful if you're playing on a multiplayer map and don't want to be bothered by other players.

The “immunity” code is another great Command HQ cheat. This code grants your units invincibility, allowing them to survive even the strongest of attacks. This is perfect if you're facing a powerful enemy and need to make sure your units are safe. Just enter the code and you'll be safe from harm.

The “super speed” code is another useful Command HQ cheat. This code allows you to move your units at twice their normal speed, allowing you to easily take control of the battlefield. This is great for those who want to quickly capture important locations or get to their objectives before the enemy can respond.

Lastly, the “full map” code is another powerful Command HQ cheat. This code reveals the entire map, giving you a distinct advantage over your opponents. You can use this to plan out your strategies and anticipate your opponent's movements, allowing you to gain an upper hand in battle.

These are just some of the many Command HQ cheats available. With these cheats, you can gain a huge advantage over your opponents and make sure you always come out on top. So next time you're playing Command HQ, keep these cheats in mind and you'll be well on your way to victory!

Last updated: 2023-08-07

Full numbers available only on desktop computers

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Command HQ Cheats
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